Why we can’t live without Facebook?

More than one billion people are using Facebook nowadays. In fact, it is a revolution because though it, you can almost do everything. You can share pictures, videos, comments; you can find pages with ads for restaurant, concerts, trips, parties… Thanks to the actuality page, you can know everything about what happens.
              The life without Facebook should be more complicated. For example, when you have one’s head in the clouds and you forgot your best friend’s birthday, Facebook reminds you in sending a notification. It is like a diary because many events, parties, exams are in Facebook and you receive notifications when it’s time.

              Facebook isn't a meeting website but though it, you can meet some people who have the same hobbies as you thanks to the official fan pages. You can speak freely because you are not face to face to the person. That’s why some shy people speak about things behind their screen that they were never expecting to tell directly one day.
Besides, when you don’t have time to speak and you just want some information, you just type the name of the person and ask for the answer. For instance, you are in a new school and you don’t have any phones numbers. You were absent and you need the homework, it’s easy and very fast even for a new person who doesn't know his comrades. And after, when you leave the school and you need to find a job, you can find many former students from your school that can help you. Facebook permits you to keep networks for your professional future life.

Moreover, you can speak directly with people who are in the other side of the planet. For instance, when you come back from holidays, you don’t have necessarily the phone number of your Indian, American boyfriend or of your Australian team’s best friends. It allows you to keep in touch with people you don’t really know but with who you want, sometimes, have some news. Besides, it permits you to share some holiday’s memories like pictures you didn’t even think that could exist!
So We can’t live without Facebook.


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