
If I don't keep myself inspired, encouraged, uplifted, joyful, connected, cognizant, who will? That's why I do what I do. I don't want to wait for a savior; they may never come. I'm the creator of my life and I know I'm deserving of great things and inspiring energy. I have my eyes planted on progression and evolution. Learn to enjoy the journey - it is exhilarating when you embrace it fully.
                               I don't get relationships. You enter a person's life because they are fun but then people try to get crazy. You are in it together; both unique but one. I don't understand why people try to change a person. If you try to change them then is not love. Faults are enjoyable to me, it makes a person who they are.In life, you will meet someone who captures your heart, mind & soul. You will have feelings you never felt before. Your love for them will outweigh any obstacles. Your heart will never lie to you so don't try to fight what it's feeling.
     When you live a life of giving and helping others, you are sowing into the Kingdom, the very Universe. Those seeds will rise up throughout your life and years after you are gone, touching the lives of your legacy; your bloodline will run strong. Your life is your life, but you will truly be rewarded when you give pieces of your life away. Help someone today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. Help someone; when you do, you are truly helping yourself.

The worst thing you can do is become cold because of your past experiences and ruin your future experiences.
Let you are past help you to make a better future. Not all people are bad and not all experiments fail. Life is like an adventure park. There are roller coaster rides and there are cool merry go rounds. Somewhere a dinosaur pops up and somewhere there is a candy man. Let not the dinosaur or the roller coaster spoil the fun of a merry go round ride with a candy in hands! Live your life with an attitude to make a happy today…

“One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don't leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind.” 
― Osho


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